When your worker mines it performs the work, one unit of work is called a share.

In order to calculate one share, you need to perform thousands of smaller jobs. The hashrate value is calculated based on the number of smaller jobs performed per second by your equipment.

Local hashrate — is a hashrate submitted by your miner to the pool.
Your mining software provides 
an approximate estimation based on its own mathematical algorithms, it doesn’t take into account real speed of smaller jobs. That’s why local (machine) hashrate may differ from hashrate actually submitted to the pool.

Current hashrate — is a hashrate calculated by the pool based on the actual amount of shares submitted by your equipment to the pool. Ezil calculates the current hashrate based on your hashrate for the past 30 minutes.
Current hashrate can be significantly higher or significantly lower than local hashrate due to the peculiarities of the ETHASH algorithm.

Average hashrate is a hashrate calculated based on the average values of current hashrate for a certain period of time. Our pool calculates the average hashrate for 3 and 24 hours. 

An example of normal performance of miner’s equipment