To set up mining only ETH or only ETC, specify one wallet and coin ETH or ETC - there are no other differences in the setting.

Select the Wallets tab in the menu.  


Click New wallet


Enter a name for the new wallet, for example “ETH + ZIL” or "ETC + ZIL"In the Coin field, select ETH or ETCIn the address field, enter your wallets ETH or ETC and ZIL in the EthWallet.ZilWallet format, for example: “0xFF7ea6c887498C1F7d7DBbc663701e4FD17aE526.zil162gq9pqpfdzlw5zqqjz4hdsjp038s26fqy70u8”

Enter the address of the nearest server in the Pool field, all available addresses are here: the Pass field, enter “x

In the Miner menu, select a miner


Click Save


In the top menu, select the Monitoring tab


Select your worker and select the previously created wallet in the Wallet1 field and click Go.
